To you, the hospital is just your workplace – your home away from home on many days and late nights – but to your patients, it’s a stressful, unfamiliar place. There is a lot happening […]
As a government agency, you may find it challenging to locate a GSA-approved business that can help to provide you with the services that you need to help your building stay in the best shape […]
If you own your own business, then you are most likely no stranger to hanging signage throughout your facility. However, when announcements, statements, or general information need to be properly displayed, they often have the […]
Patient whiteboards are often used in hospitals for maintaining accurate information regarding the patient’s care, prescribed medications, physical therapy exercises, and so much more. Not only are patient communication boards incredibly useful for involving the […]
Snap frames from Simple Snap Frame are more than just the easiest method for displaying important signage as well as company information. They are an affordable solution for unifying your business’s displays to further strengthen […]
Custom snap frames possess a broad range of capabilities in helping businesses effectively display vital information for customers, patients, guests, and many other individuals. Simple Snap Frame’s innovative products never require you to remove your […]
Using professional signage can make or break how customers view the legitimacy of your business. Poorly hung signs have the tendency to look unprofessional and may even fall to the floor throughout the day. We […]
Professionalism in the workplace extends far past employee behavior. A clean and orderly looking hospital can do much to ease your patients’ minds, which can help to make them feel like they are in good […]
When working in a hospital with a number of patients, it can be difficult to keep track of every patient’s information, especially if their treatment varies from day to day. Not only does documenting inessential […]
With the start of the school year comes a whirlwind of after-school activities and a variety of important dates worth remembering. With so much happening in such a short amount of time, it can be […]
Finding the right product to effectively display your business’s specials, product offerings, or menu items can be difficult. Some sign holders just aren’t sturdy enough to stay standing during a windy day, while other display […]
Whiteboards are important tools in your hospital. There’s a reason that they’re still so commonly used even though our culture has largely automated processes or started using electronic organizational methods, and this is because hospital […]