4 Ways to Utilize Custom Dry Erase Boards on Your College Campus

Whether you work at a small private school or a state university with hundreds of thousands of students, a college campus is a busy place. There is always something happening, and your goal – whether you are a resident assistant, an advisor, an educator, or an organizer – is to keep students informed, involved, and engaged. Custom dry erase boards are the perfect solution to sharing and updating information quickly and easily!

Here at Simple Snap Frame, we work with you to create custom snap frames that meet your needs, whatever they may be. We offer a variety of frame options, including sleek metallics and warm wood grains, and the clear glass plate of every frame is the perfect surface for dry erase markers. We can also customize the insert you place inside your frame, or you can design your own and change it at any time with just a few clicks! It’s the perfect communication board solution for a high-traffic college campus. Continue reading for ideas on how to make the most of your custom dry erase board and call Simple Snap Frame today for a free quote!

Events Schedule

There is always something happening on a college campus. Tryouts for the ultimate frisbee team, a new members meeting for the chess club, an on-campus concert…Your students need a fast and easy way to see what they need to plan for as well as find new activities and organizations to explore. A snap frame is the perfect way to keep things clean, clear, and legible — a much better solution than stapling paper after paper to an old bulletin board. With a front-loading frame from Simple Snap Frame, you can exchange the insert any time you get a new calendar of events or make changes right on the glass with dry erase marker!

Student Engagement

One way resident assistants often encourage the students on their floor to be more involved in the community is to create a student engagement board. The prompt may be to write down their best stress management tips, or to leave a sticky note about what they most look forward to over spring break. It’s a great way to spark conversation in passing, and a custom dry erase board can make it even easier. Rather than cutting out construction paper shapes and spending a lot of time and effort on a new display every quarter, you can simply print a brand new design and unsnap the frame when you’re ready to change the insert. It’s a simple switch from leaving out pencils and pens to dry erase markers, and when you’re ready to start fresh, you can simply clean the glass!

Message Board

As a teacher, advisor, or organizer, you need to communicate with your students in many ways. One way is to post a sleek communication board outside your room or office. You can clearly post your office hours or the time slots when you are on duty and leave plenty of room for dry erase messages. Scrawl a quick note when you’re leaving for lunch or post a notice answering a common question for times when you are out of your office. You can use your custom dry erase board however you need!


Room Reservations

There are likely more than a few rooms around campus that students can reserve. Perhaps a group of friends likes to reserve a lounge every Friday for game night, or your students need a quiet room to study. Snap frames are the perfect way to track room reservations. Insert the schedule behind the glass and click it into place, and use it for notes or directions that are easy to wipe away. Students can write a request not to be disturbed, for example, or a club’s executive board can leave directions if a meeting has been moved or rescheduled. As an added bonus, Simple Snap Frame offers a number of beautiful custom options, so you can choose a frame that serves an important purpose without settling for a boring or ugly design.

Ask For A Quick, Custom Quote Today

Help your students make the most of their college experience with clear, easy-to-read information. You can post the information they need and leave space for important communications all in one simple frame, and with dozens of custom options, you don’t have to settle for less. Call Simple Snap Frame today to discuss what you need from your custom dry erase board and get started with a free quote!